It’s more what we stop doing than what we do that counts.

I completed the three year full-time qualification as an Alexander Technique Teacher in London in 2016. From 2017 to 2019 I was part of the training team at the Alexander Technique Training School in London (ATTS). Since 2020 I live and teach in Vienna. I offer workshops both in Austria and abroad. Previous corporate clients include the UK Parliament and UCL (University College London). I am a member of the Austrian and the British Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (GATOE and STAT).

What does the Alexander Technique help with?

The Alexander Technique helps us notice and change the negative effects of habitual postural and tension patterns with its connection to the functioning of the nervous system. It is a self management method that looks at the individual physical response to stressful situations of all kind. By developing awareness for our automatic reactions (which are usually hard to spot ourselves) we can learn to both undo unnecessary physical tension and reduce the stress activation of the nervous system when facing difficult situations. It enables us to respond in a way that is more in line with our needs and capacities and helps us move away from habitual unhelpful reactive patterns. As a result we get an increased ease in movement and in everyday activities, such as sitting and office work, as well as the ability to respond differently to a wide range of challenging situations (stress, performance, relationships).


Individual Sessions

I teach the principles of the Alexander Technique in 45 minutes long one to one sessions. Each session includes active elements, in which new alternatives to the individual postural and tension patterns are being developed, and more passive elements that focus on strengthening the abilty to relax reduce the unneccesary habitual muscle tone.

 Sessions can be book individually and cost 80€. A set of five session costs 350€.


I offer workshops both in Austria and abroad. Previous corporate clients include the UK Parliament and UCL (University College London).